Club Trip

Queen Canyon area

September 9, 2023

We are going to the Queen Canyon area. We go out highway 6 past Benton for 9 miles and turn R and go up into the mountains. The route is not real difficult but you WILL need 4wd low range 1st or 2nd gear in a couple of  sections going up to the top of the ridge. Going down the East side of the ridge it is very steep and 4wd low range 1st gear is a must it is not easy nor is it real difficult you just need to go slow. We will see some old mining cabins and what is left of an old power plant. After that we will go past an old pound that was created to provide water through a pipeline to old mines. Then we will work our way along old mining roads and return back to Highway 6 where highway 360, road over to Mina, intersects with Hwy 6 on the east side of Montgomery Pass then home. 
Meet at 8:30 at the Von’s parking lot on the South side of the gas station. Round trip will be approximately 130 miles and we will be back somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 if there are no problems. Bring lunch, water, chairs etc. Also a GMRS radio, channel 21, is required if you don’t have one the club can loan you one for this run.