Pardon our website. We’re not out just spinning our wheels but are currently in the process of building a better website for our members.

The Eastern Sierra 4 Wheel Drive Club was established in 1998 and is comprised of outgoing, fun loving, patriotic and responsible members who share the same love of off-roading and the outdoors.
Our monthly off-road club runs vary from the technical steep white knuckle mountain climb to scenic day and overnight trips.
We are actively involved in the Eastern Sierras and surrounding area and enjoy performing services benefiting the local community.

Join the Club

It doesn’t matter what kind of 4X4 ​​you have, from Jeep to Suburban, the more the merrier!!! Monthly meeting is the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 pm.
To join, download and complete the Membership Application and the Release of Liability and mail them with a $25 check payable to ES4WDC to:
PO Box 983
Bishop, CA  93515

Club Purpose

The Eastern Sierra 4WD Club takes the responsibility of promoting safe and sane four-wheeling. Our club is open to anyone who supports our goals and is interested in exploring our wonderful area. Our club takes pride in its support of the Bureau of Land Management policy of “TREAD LIGHTLY on PUBLIC LANDS”.
We support conservation with utilization. 
Look for us on Facebook @easternsierra4x4club