On the Trail with the Eastern Sierra 4WD Club

The Club organizes monthly off-road runs, usually on Saturdays, in and around the Owens Valley, the Mojave Desert and Death Valley. Trip leaders pre-run the trail to check out the prevailing conditions. Club runs vary from the technical steep white knuckle mountain climb to scenic day and overnight trips. We incorporate the Guidelines below.


  • No one is left behind – also we will not push (pull or drag) you further than you want to go.  If you feel you are in over your head stop and let it be known.  These trips are for fun, but remember that four wheeling does involve risk.  If we are going beyond your level of comfort with risk it is your responsibility to stop and let a club officer or trip leader know.  We can then take action to help you.
  • Communication is the key to a successful trip! Do not be embarrassed to ask questions, or state your feelings. Our trips are a great opportunity for everyone to learn. A GMRS radio is required. If you do not have a GMRS radio we can loan you one for that run. A ham radio is also OK. We use GMRS channel 21.
  • Breaks and rest stops – the trip leader should inform the group when we stop how long the break is and what time you need to be back at your vehicle.
  • If you decide to leave the group and go your own way please inform the group leader so we can call out search and rescue to find you if the situation arises.
  • Always keep track of the vehicle behind you.  If you come to a fork in the road the vehicle in front of you should be waiting for you and you should wait for the vehicle following you.
  • Very steep hill climbs, and other difficult obstacles – Stop and watch the vehicle in front of you before you try. If you follow to close and the vehicle in front of you does not make it, then you both will have to back out.
  • Minor stuck or other small problems – Inform the group so we can all stop. Let the vehicles in front of you and behind you help if they can. When the problem is resolved let the leader know if we can proceed.
  • Major stuck or other large problems – Inform the group so we can all stop. Inform the trip leader and a club officer that a major problem exists.  The trip leader or club officer will assign or assume the role as an incident commander. The purpose of an incident commander is to assess the problem and direct the solution.  Everyone in the group should report to the IC and make their recommendations.  The IC will then assign people to tasks that will resolve the problem.  Let’s all keep our cool, stay organized, and work together!
  • Tread lightly.  Drive on designated roads and trails and try to minimize your impact.
  • Pack it in – Pack it out.  Always pick up your trash.

September 28
Wheeler Ridge
9:00 am –
Meet at Bishop Vons parking lot S. of the gas station

GMRS radio required for all club runs – click here for info

Trip Reports
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